"Coming 2025"

Organised by

The CEE Wealth Summit

The CEE Wealth Summit is making a comeback, and this year it promises to be even more exclusive than before. In order to create a truly immersive and impactful event, we have decided to restrict the number of attendees to 100.

The CEE Wealth Summit is a gathering of single family offices, private investors and family business owners & executives from Central and Eastern Europe. With a strong geographic focus it is our aim to build, maintain and strengthen relationships between players from the region and to facilitate business, investments and economic collaboration.

Eastern Europe has gone through an incredible transformation for the last 30 years and continues to do so. It is with great pleasure to witness this process, which comes with its own set of challenges for individuals and businesses alike. But with every challenge comes a new opportunity. And it is these opportunities we want to make visible to a carefully selected audience of investors and family offices.

Founder, Organiser and Co-host

Having a German father and a Czech mother, organising and hosting the CEE Wealth Summit is a particular pleasure and joy to me, as it allows me to unite my Central / Eastern European souls in an event.Having grown up with both cultures, I learned to leverage the benefits of each, but I also learned that there is a lot one side doesn’t know or understand about the other. Not knowing each other properly is counterproductive to business.

It is my respect and love for Eastern Europe and its people that led me to the decision to support family offices and businesses from there to connect to their peers while opening doors to those seeking partners and opportunities further afield. With Alex Schütz I found the best partner I could have wished for – based in the CEE hub Vienna and well-connected throughout Eastern Europe. And we share the same principles and excitement for the most exciting region in Europe.

I am looking forward to welcoming you to the next Central & Eastern European Wealth Summit in Vienna, co-hosted by Alex Schütz and his single family office

Yours Sincerely,

David Grammig

As former Director for International Relations at As former Director for International Relations at a GCC-based single family office, over the years David has established, and continues to grow, valued connections with fellow family offices. David lives by the credo “no level of technological sophistication can replace a handshake” and this is no different when it comes to his family office networks.



Hans van Houwelingen

Managing Partner, Urban Impact Ventures, Bulgaria

Martin Schindler

Managing Director, Schütz Family Office, Austria

Dovi Frances

Founding Partner, Group 11, USA/Israel

Florian Frhr. von Tucher

Chairman & Managing Director, Tucher Group, Germany

Adrian Shatku

CEO and Founder of UNIFI Capital Inc, USA, and CEO and Owner of WIS TELECOM, Italy

Sebastian Kurz

Former Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria

Organised & Hosted by

Co-Hosted by

Our Sponsors​



Delegates are single family office principles, UHNWI’s, private investors and family business owners from Central and Eastern Europe and those with an interest in the regions participation.

This event is an exclusive gathering of wealth owners from the CEE region, hosted by an Austrian single family office. Both, the host and organiser, want to create a highly relevant experience for the families and takes their concerns into consideration. Participating families have the opportunity to actively influence the agenda according to their individual interests. We specifically created a questionnaire that allows families to tell us what they want to learn about. This makes the event also highly attractive for sponsors as the agenda topics correspond with the families’ feedback.

Delegate passes for the entire event including networking, all sessions and lunches & dinners come at EUR 1,900

All panels and interviews are conducted in English. In order to overcome a possible language barrier we advise family office delegates to attend with a trusted advisor to translate if necessary.

CxO’s of single family offices or family businesses can attend. A person who fulfils an advisory role or is not a c-level executive can attend, given that the family the person represents has given their written consent that they wish to be represented by the individual.

All industries and services are entitled to apply to sponsor if product or service are beneficial to the attending investors or if the sponsor presents an attractive investment opportunity to the attending investors. All applications to sponsor CEE Private Wealth are subject to availability, acceptance by the advisory board of the Host & Organiser and the Sponsor making full payment of the sponsorship fee.

As a single family office (Schütz Family Office) and professional service provider to family offices (Grammig Advisory) we deem it highly unprofessional, unethical and illegal to reveal any information concerning our guests. It is in the interest of all parties that the privacy of the attendees is protected. We will share neither names, contact details nor any other information about the attendees. Speakers and panelists will be announced on our website.

We, as host and organiser, do not propose, organise or arrange meetings on behalf of third parties. Plenty of networking breaks (breakfast, 2 coffee breaks, lunch and post-event) offer the opportunity to engage with the investors.

Hotel recommendations will be provided to registered attendees.